Robustness of Deep Learning Model Inference

This project proves and improves the robustness of deep learning models against inference-time adversarial examples.

A unique characteristic of deep learning models is their vulnerability to malicious attacks, even when the underlying code implementations are correct. Among the various types of attacks, inference-time (or test-time) attacks have been extensively studied as they directly affect the performance and reliability of the model. These attacks craft a human-imperceptible perturbation to the test input to deceive the model into making incorrect predictions.

Test-time defenses and attacks on deep learning models have been a never-ending cat-and-mouse game. My research aims to end this game by providing deep learning model inference with well-defined and provable guarantees. I focus on the robustness verification of language models, an area previously unexplored due to the challenge of the discreteness of the inputs.


Papers: A3T (ICML2020), ARC (EMNLP2021)

Key ideas:

  1. Languages for describing test-time robustness for deep learning models.
  2. Training approaches for improving model robustness.
  3. An abstract interpretation technique for verifying model robustness.

Programmable perturbation space Existing work on robustness for deep learning model inference employs ad-hoc perturbations tailored to specific attacks, such as synonym substitutions. However, these perturbations do not apply to a wide range of scenarios. To address this limitation, I introduced the concept of a programmable perturbation space and designed a language for defining attacks/perturbations to input sequences for language models. The versatile language allows users to express their specific robustness requirements as user-defined string transformations and combinations. For example, it can express a perturbation that removes stop words and duplicates exclamation and question marks in a movie review. Furthermore, this language enables robustness verification and training approaches to compile and understand users’ needs seamlessly.

Verifying robustness of recursive models Given a robustness specification as a programmable perturbation space, my approach, ARC, generates proofs of robustness for recursive models, such as LSTMs or Tree-LSTMs. The key idea underlying ARC involves symbolically recursive memoization and abstraction of sets of possible hidden states, a task that becomes infeasible for enumeration due to its exponential growth with the input length. As ARC over-approximates the sets of all possible outcomes, it captures the worst-case scenario, thus establishing proofs for model robustness.

Robust training approaches When given a programmable perturbation space, the challenge of training robust models against the space lies in accurately approximating the worst-case loss. Traditional approximation methods provide loose approximations, such as the under-approximation by adversarial training or the over-approximation by provable training. To overcome this challenge, I proposed A3T, an innovative approach that approximates the worst-case by decomposing the programmable perturbation space into two subsets: one that can be explored using adversarial training and another that can be abstracted using provable training. This novel idea of decomposition has been adopted by the state-of-the-art robust training method, SABR.

Yuhao Zhang
Yuhao Zhang
Ph.D. student in Computer Science