Yuhao Zhang

Yuhao Zhang


Ph.D. student in Computer Science

University of Wisconsin-Madison


I am an applied scientist at Amazon Q Developer.

I was on the academic job market! Here are my statements: [Research Statement], [Teaching Statement], [Diversity Statement].

Welcome! I'm Yuhao. I got my Ph.D. in computer science at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, conducting research at the madPL group, under the guidance of Prof. Loris D'Antoni and Prof. Aws Albarghouthi. I received my B.S. in Computer Science at Peking University (PKU) in 2019, mentored by Prof. Yingfei Xiong.

I am good at algorithms and data structures. I was a contestant of ACM-ICPC and I had won four gold medals at Regional and China-Final contests. When I was in high school, I won a gold medal at the National Olympiad of Informatics.

My primary research focuses on the fields of software engineering, programming languages, and deep learning. The goal of my research is to provide provable guarantees for deep learning, ensuring its safety, security, and reliability via formal methods. I am also interested in integrating program synthesis with deep learning techniques, such as large language models, to generate programs in a interpretable and verifiable manner.

Research Summary

The goal of my research is to provide provable guarantees for deep learning, ensuring its safety, security, and reliability via formal methods.


[2024-06-14] I graduated with a PhD in Computer Science
[2023-11-19] I am a top reviewer at NeurIPS 2023
[2023-10-06] I give a talk at MWPLS 2023.
[2023-07-28] I give a joint talk with my advisor Aws at WFVML 23.
[2023-05-22] I start my summer internship at AWS CodeWhisperer.


Recognized as a top reviewer for NeurIPS 2023 (2023, NeurIPS)
Midwest Programming Languages Summit Travel Awards (2023, MWPLS)
Recognized as a top reviewer for NeurIPS 2022 (2022, NeurIPS)
Selected as a (top-ten) finalist for Two Sigma PhD Fellowship (2022, Two Sigma)
ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award (2020, FSE)
Top 10 undergraduate thesis (2019, School of EECS, Peking University)
SenseTime Scholarship (2019, SenseTime)
Suzhou Industrial Park Scholarship (2018, Peking University)
ACM-ICPC 4-th place (2017, Asia Pacific Regional, Ho-Chi-Minh City Site)
ACM-ICPC gold medal (2017, Asia East Continent Regional, Xi’an Site)
Schlumberger Scholarship (2017, School of EECS, Peking University)
ACM-ICPC gold medal (2016, Asia East Continent Final, Shanghai, China)
ACM-ICPC 7-th place (2016, Asia Pacific Regional, Yangon Site)
ACM-ICPC gold medal (2016, Asia East Continent Regional, Dalian Site)
iPinYou Scholarship (2016, School of EECS, Peking University)
ACM-ICPC gold medal (2015, Asia East Continent Regional, Hefei Site)


  • NeurIPS 2023, 2022, Reviewer
  • ICML 2023, 2022, 2021, Reviewer
  • WFVML 2023, Reviewer
  • FoMLAS 2023, 2022, 2021, Program Committee
  • BANDS 2023, Program Committee
  • VMCAI 2023, Artifact Evaluation Committee
  • CAV 2021, Artifact Evaluation Committee
  • Wrote a tutorial on requesting CPT for international students in the CS department at UW-Madison.
  • Personal

    🧗 I fell in love with indoor bouldering during my Ph.D. and have climbed once to twice a week since May 2022. I won the third place in the beginner category of the 2023 climbing competition in UW-Madison! I’m tackling V3-V5 routes and will continue improving and practicing in the coming years.
    When I’m not hanging from cliffs, I usually hit the gym about three to four times a week since September 2021. After cutting nearly 20 pounds of pandemic weight gain, I embarked on a body-fat-cutting journey in April 2023. I achieved the single-digit-body-fat goal in September of the same year and shifted to clean bulking mode afterward.
    But it’s not all about physical pursuits for me. I’ve been immersing myself in (non-CS) books since September 2021, dedicating more than one hour every day to reading. I love reading novels by Fyodor Dostoevsky and writers Lationamericano like as Mario Vargas Llosa and Gabriel García Márquez. On the other side, I delved into Lacanian Psychoanalysis and am currently studying the German Idealism Philosophy of Hegel. My journey won’t stop there; I’m eager to explore Phenomenology, courtesy of Husserl and Merleau-Ponty, and (post-) structuralism critique of ideology by Althusser.
